Atlantic Mediæval Association


Previous Conferences

2023 — University of King's College, Halifax

Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association

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The Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association was jointly hosted by St. Mary's University and University of King's College and held at the University of King's College in Halifax, Nova Scotia on November 10 and 11, 2023.

Winston Black, Gatto Chair of Christian Studies, St. Francis Xavier University
William of Auvergne and Titivillus, the Jester Demon: New Evidence and Insights for Scholastic Demonology

Kathy Cawsey, Dalhousie University
Demons in the Service of God: Tutivillus as a tool for enforcing conformity

Kyle Fraser, University of King's College
Demonic Agency, Necromancy and the Uncertain Boundaries of Natural Science

Tom Curran, University of King's College
Theban Soothsaying in Dante's Inferno

Susan Dodd, University of King's College
Illuminating Wrath in Dante's Purgatorio

Neil Robertson, University of King's College
Hope and the Logic of Dante's Paradiso

Michael Fournier, Dalhousie University
Is “know thyself” true? Augustine's cognosce te ipsam

Matthew Vanderkwaak, University of King's College
A Love that Surpasses Understanding

Daniel Brandes, University of King's College
The God of Maimonides: infinitely distant / infinitesimally close

John Black, Moravian University, Pennsylvania
Ælfric and Old English Kingship

Benjamin Barootes, Memorial University
Re-evaluating John Clanvowe's Sources for The Two Ways

Elizabeth Edwards, University of King's College
Chaucer reading Dante in The House of Fame

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
On the Importance of following Manuscript Punctuation in Modern Editions of Malory's Morte Darthur

Lindsay Church, Dalhousie University
Raptus, Ravishment, and “Self-Divorce”: The Heterotopic Space of Malory's Morgan le Fay

Samuel Gillis, University of King's College
Animating the Material World: Fairy Summoning in Theory and Practice, 1400-1700

Kirsten Schut, University of King's College
What can a monk's habit do for the dead?

Jennifer MacDonald, Acadia University
Alternative Assignments: Creating Medieval Towns

Brenna Duperron, Dalhousie University
Not the Gods You Were Expecting: Reading Indigeneity and Settler-Colonialism in Marvel's Thor

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The 2022 conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.

The 2021 conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.

The 2020 conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.

2019 — Memorial University at St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

Twelfth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association

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Saturday Plenury: Richard C. Hoffmann, York University, Toronto
‘Infinite Fish’ or Awareness of Limits: Apprehensions of Resource Abundance from Medieval Europe to the ‘New Fownde Ilandes’
Special lecture organized by the Departments of History, Geography, and Archaeology, sponsored by Scholarship in the Arts

Sunday Plenury: Cynthia Neville, Dalhousie and Guelph Universities
The Migrations of the Medieval Leges Marchiarum Treatise

Shannon Lewis-Simpson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Exile in the Viking-Age North Atlantic

Kevin E. McAleese, Provincial Museum of Newfoundland & Labrador
Sailing with the Tide: Exiles and Colonists in the Early Medieval North Atlantic

Elsa Simms, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Viking and Rus’ Gender of Byzantine and Islamic Artefacts

Erika Making, Memorial University of Newfoundland
John Lydgate’s The Fall of Princes: a Humanist Re-interpretation of the des casibus Tradition

Nathan Amerson, Trinity Theological Seminary
Anselm among the Normans: Spiritual Leader or Exile?

Andrew Klein, St. Thomas University
Crusader Kings with Crocodile Bones: Encountering the English in the Mamluk Imaginary, c. 1500

Janine Rogers, McGill University with Alessio Marziali Peretti, Université de Montréal
The Medieval Manuscript Heritage of Historical Museums of Science

Alessandra Ignesti, School
A Dominican Medley: McGill, Medieval Manuscript 73

Josh Carey, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Preosta regule in the 16th Century: The Exploitation of the Old English Version of The Enlarged Rule of Chrodegang in Matthew Parker’s A Defence of Priestes Mariages within the Larger Historical Context of Anglo-Saxon Monasticism in Lay Society

Lauren Beck, Mount Allison University
Women’s Bodies and the Reification of Masculinity in El Cid

Kathy Cawsey, Dalhousie University
The Grammar of Chaucer’s Rapes

Mariah Cooper, Memorial University of Newfoundland
A Crash Course on Medieval Consent Replacement and Victim Displacement

Stephanie Morley, Saint Mary’s University
Clothes Make the Man: Dressing the Exile in the Roman de Silence

Fabian Zuk, Université de Montréal ' Lyon III
‘De qua Patria?’ and Other Useful Phrases to Survive as a Ninth-Century Knight Errant

Eduard Mühle, Universität Münster
‘Exul apud vos ...’: The Impact of Exiles in Eastern Parts of Medieval Europe

Seamus O’Neill, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Angelic Exiles: Why Satan Cannot Be Saved

John R. Black, Moravian College
Hagiographic Space: Ideological Exile and Ascetic Emplacement

Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier University
Gender Exiles: Constructing the Gender of Dis/Abled Men in the Early Thirteenth Century

Melanie Hurley, Memorial University of Newfoundland
From Brothel to Convent: The Connection between St. Mary Magdalene’s Vita and the Avignonese Repenties

Allison Fizzard, University of Regina
In Exile from the Head Table: Status, Illness, and Meals at Religious Houses in England and Wales at the End of the Middle Ages

Cherise Ragoonath, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Exiled from Agency: A Reading of the Constance Figure through Class Ranking

Sam Lehman, Memorial University of Newfoundland
A Lump on the Floor and a Lump in the Soul: Examining the Lump Child in the King of Tars as a Character of Exile

Elizabeth Edwards, University of King’s College
Economic Exile in Middle English Romance

Dinner and Business Meeting at Bannerman Brewing Co.

Visit of The Rooms Museum: guided tour with Elsa Simms of the exhibit on the Norse and North American native peoples

Guided tour of the Anglican Cathedral, Gothic revival building made from plans by George Gilbert Scott

The Conference Organizing Committee would like to thank the Departments of English and History, and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for their support. This conference has been funded by the Memorial University Conference Fund under the portfolios of the Vice-President (Research), Vice-President (Academic), Vice-President (Marine Institute) and Vice-President (Grenfell). Dr. Richard Hoffman’s lecture has been funded by the Scholarship in the Arts (SITA), through the Departments of History, Archaeology, and Geography.

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2018 — Mount Allison University at Sackville, New Brunswick

Eleventh Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association — 12–13 October, 2018
(Joint Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association and the Atlantic Mediæval and Early Modern Group)

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Keynote Address and Workshop: Samuel Gessner, Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT), University of Lisbon, Portugal
A Hands-on History of the Astrolabe

Greg Maillet, Crandall University
Knowing Thomas More through Late 16th Century English Theatre: The Strange, Possibly Shakespearean, Case of The Book of Sir Thomas More

Cheryl Petreman, Technical University of Dresden
Judicial Correspondence in Early Modern Germany

J. Marc MacDonald, University of Prince Edward Island
From Oceania to Le Havre: Late-Enlightenment Migration of Ethnographic and Natural History Knowledge

Stefanie Kennedy, University of New Brunswick
Imagining Africa: Monstrosity, Gender, and Inheritance in the Afro-Atlantic World

Lauren Beck, Mount Allison University
Place Names and Gender in the Early Modern Americas

Bonnie Huskins, University of New Brunswick
Seduction Amongst the Freemasons: Moral Regulation and Gossip in Digby Lodge No 6

Lyn Bennett and Kala Hirtle, Dalhousie University
The Notebook of Dr. William James Almon

Leah Grandy, University of New Brunswick
The Atlantic Adventures of Lt. Samuel Richard Wilson, 1777-1787

Keith S. Grant, Crandall University
Knowledge Migrations, Books, and Readers in Nova Scotia: Profiling The Colonial Bookshelf (A Digital Humanities Project)

Kathy Cawsey, Dalhousie University
Awak, Cuckold, Piping and ʒoʒelinge: Translating Latin Grammatica Theory into Birdsong

Abram Steen, Crandall University
put together a solemnitie: Liturgical Appropriation in George Herbert and Robert Herrick

Rachel Bryant, Dalhousie University
The Grammar of Inanimacy: Frances Brooke and the Production of American Settler States

Wendy D. Churchill, University of New Brunswick
Non-Verbal Communication and ‘the Patient’s Narrative’ within British Medicine, circa 1700-1830

Neil G. Robertson, University of King’s College
A Weimar Hobbes Debate

Simon Kow, University of King’s College
Europe Looks East: Wolff and Leibniz on China

John A. Geck, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Translation of Relics, Religion, and Rule in The Sultan of Babylon

Stephanie Morley, Saint Mary’s University
Colonisation and Monastic Obedience in Richard Whitford’s The Pype, or Tonne, of the Lyfe of Perfection

James Bonar, Queen’s University
Mightier than the Sword: Intellectual Imperialism in Venetian Historiography

Robin Vose, St. Thomas University
Systemic Concerns in CAUT and University Policies

Brenna Duperron, Dalhousie University
Learning and Reading v. Orality

Lauren Beck, Mount Allison University
Revisiting the Structure of our Disciplines

William Wilson, Mount Allison University
Group Work and Decolonizing Historical Studies

Kevin S. Whetter, Acadia University
Of Poets, God(s) and Heroes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Gary Waite, University of New Brunswick
Translatio: The Devil of Delft in England, or the Reception of the Ideas and Reputation of the Dutch Spiritualist David Joris in 17th Century England

Carlie H. Manners, University of New Brunswick
Divorcing Diabolism: English Legal Framing of Afro-Creole Spiritual Practices in the Caribbean, 1625-1806

Krista Kesselring, Dalhousie University
The Case of Catherine Dammartin: Clerical Marriage and the Survival of Celibacy in England’s Protestant Universities

Sarah Toye, Dalhousie University and the University of King’s College
Stolen Spoons and Satire: Fictionalization in A General History of the Pyrates

Moira Duncan, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Education of Princesses in Tudor England

Conference Dinner: Joey’s Pizza and Pasta, 16 York Street, Sackville

2017 — Dalhousie University at Halifax, Nova Scotia

Tenth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association — 22–23 September, 2017

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Keynote Address: Deborah McGrady, University of Virginia
Patronage avant la lettre: Literary Exchange at the Late-Medieval French Royal Court

Anneliese Renck, Carroll College
Jean Pichore, Books of Hours, and Female Readers in Manuscript and Print

Benjamin Barootes, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
West Midlands Devotion and the Beauchamp Missal (Oxford, Trinity MS 8)

Fabian Zuk, Université de Montréal
The Eulalia Sequence as Poetic Propaganda: A Carolingian Homage to Catalonia

Mirka Tiede, Eberhard Karls Universität-Tübingen
Indexing a Gradual on the Cantus Database

Sébastien Rossignol, Memorial University
Late Medieval Reading Practices and a Book of Hours Held at Memorial University

Marianne Gillion, University of Salzburg
Cum notis rubeis? Interactions with Notation in Printed Editions of the Missale Saligsburgense, 1492-1510

Inga Behrendt, Eberhard Karls Universität-Tübingen
Piano arrangements of vocal pieces from the 14th century by Hugo Riemann in Musikgeschichte in Beispielen (Leipzig 1911

Janine Rogers, Mount Allison University
'this path some whider goth': spatial poetics and knowledge in the Floure and the Leafe

Melissa Furrow, Dalhousie University
The Manuscripts for Educating an English Boy-King

Kate Helsen and Mark Daley, Western University
Medieval Traces of Melodic Evolution

Concert: Saint Mary's Cathedral Basilica, 5221 Spring Garden Road, Halifax

Conference Dinner: Bistro Le Coq, 1584 Argyle Street, Halifax

Tour of the exhibit Centuries of Silence: the Discovery of the Salzinnes Antiphonal, Judith Dietz, curator, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia

Special thanks are due: Judy Dietz, Greg Morris, D'Arcy Poultney-Morris, Jessica Mailhiot, Tatjana Vukoja, Marie Reynard, Lesley Brechin, Jocelyn LeBlanc, Andrea Klassen, Brayden Olson, Becky Shaw, Sam Lehman, Brenna Duperron, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Cecilia Concert Series, The Fountain School of the Performing Arts at Dalhousie University, Department of Language and Literature at Saint Mary's University, Patrick Power Library, Saint Mary's University, Saint Mary's University Faculty of Arts, Pavia Gallery, and Jane's on the Common.

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2016 — Mount Allison University at Sackville, New Brunswick

Ninth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association — 30 September – 1 October, 2016
(Joint Conference of the Atlantic Medieval Association and the Atlantic Medieval and Early Modern Group)

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Keynote Address: Chet Van Duzer, Board member, Lazarus Project, University of Rochester
Beyond the Edge of the Map: Northern Europe in Medieval and Renaissance Cartography

Gary K. Waite, University of New Brunswick
The Spiritualist Hermeneutic and its Long Term Impact: From David Joris to Baruch Spinoza?

Anik Stanbury, Mount Allison University
A Case for the Import of the Late Antique Commentary Tradition in the Study of Medieval Philosophy

Neil G. Robertson, University of King's College
The Edge of Modernity: The Early Leo Strauss on the Origins of Modernity

Robbie Moser, Mount Allison University
The Vanishing Point of Anselm's Argument

J. Marc MacDonald, University of Prince Edward Island
Voyaging into the Apocalypse: Science, Exploration, Revolution, and Millenarianism (1755-2060)

Laura Verner, King's College, London
Catholics and the Invention of Sacred Space in the Elizabethan Midlands

Lauren Beck, Mount Allison University
Early-modern European and Indigenous Linguistic Influences on New Brunswick Place Names

Julie Sutherland, Athabasca University/Cape Breton University
Isabella, Vengeful Angel of Mercy: Measure for Measure's Disastrously Unbloody End

William Lundell, Mount Allison University
The Turks and Church Reform in Mid-fifteenth-century Carthusian Advocacy of the Authority of General Councils

Donna Trembinski, Saint Francis Xavier University
Reading Medicine into the Early Lives of Saint Francis

Nicole Slipp, Queens University
Saracens and Sexuality: Race, Sadism, and Distanced Consumption

Robert Buranello, Dalhousie University
Patterns and Palimpsests in Porn: Elements of the Erotic in Early Modern Italian Literature

Cheryl Petreman, University of Dresden
Torture and Capital Punishment in Late Sixteenth-Century Nördlingen

Robin Vose, Saint Thomas University
Textual Transmission of the Directorium Inquisitorum: Deux Solitudes?

Elizabeth Edwards, University of King's College
Virtue's Attendants

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Mapping the Manuscript Text; or What's Happening at the Edges of the Morte Darthur

Conference Dinner: Joey's Pizza and Pasta, 16 York Street, Sackville

From the conference organizers: we would like to take this opportunity to thank the guest speakers and conference attendees for their enthusiasm and participation at the conference.

We would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support: Dean of Arts, Department of English Literatures, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Department of Philosophy, Marjorie Young Bell Fund.

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2015 — University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown

Eighth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association — 2-3 October, 2015

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Keynote Speaker: William Schipper, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Hermeneutic Mind: Hrabanus Maurus and Biblical Interpretation

After completing his Ph.D. at Queen's University in 1980, Dr. William Schipper taught in Japan; since 1991, he has taught a variety of courses on medieval English literature at Memorial University. His main interest for the past three decades has been Hrabanus Maurus, and in particular his encyclopedia De rerum naturis of which he has been preparing a critical edition. He has read papers and published on Hrabanus's carmina figurate, as well as on a variety of Old English, Anglo-Latin and Carolingian manuscripts. One of his most recent papers is a discussion of a newly discovered ninth-century bifolium being used as a book wrapper in Mainz library, from which he was able to reconstruct an entire gathering of an otherwise lost manuscript. He is currently working on a paper on Hrabanus's unpublished commentaries.

Robbie Moser, Mount Allison University
St Anslem's Expressions

Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier University
Guardians of health: The role of the Guardian in the Franciscan Order between 1209 and 1226

Elizabeth Edwards, Dalhousie University
the noble yforged newe: the Gold Standard in Chaucer's Poetry

Richard Raiswell, University of Prince Edward Island
The Early Witch Trials and the Synagogue of Satan: the Development of a Deadly Metaphor

Erica Leighton, University of Western Ontario
Sacred Mnemonic Landscapes: Ars Memoria in the Hagiography and the Mappula Angliae of Osbern Bokenham

John Black, Moravian College
Forging Places: Hagiographic Landscapes

Sébastian Rossignol, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Silesia and Pomerania: Regional Identities in the Intitulationes of Ducal Charters (1200-1325)

Cory Rushton, St. Francis Xavier University
Lessons from the Underground: Lydgate's Amphiorax and the devastation of war

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Old and New Models of Kingship in the Morte Darthur

Kathy Cawsey, Dalhousie University
The BBC's "Merlin" and medieval audience response

Janine Rogers, Mount Allison University
Marginal Monkey-Business: Medievalism and Evolution in Natural History Museums

Conference Dinner: Pilot House, 70 Grafton Street, Charlottetown

The Atlantic Medieval Association would like to thank the Office of the Vice President Research, the Office of the Vice President Academic, the Office of the Dean of Arts and the Department of Modern Languages for their the generous financial support.

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2014 — University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown

Seventh Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association — 3-4 October, 2014

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Plenary Speaker: Judith E. Dietz, Associate Curator of Historical European Art, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
The History and Significance of the Salzinnes Antiphonal

Richard Raiswell, UPEI
Gerald of Wales Goes to Extremes: Monsters, Rhetoric and the Construction of Space

John R. Black, Moravian College
Forging Landscapes: Hagiography and the Environment

Jennifer MacDonald, Acadia University
Military Travel in the Late Saxon Period

Janine Rogers, Mount Allison University
Rethinking Medievalism in Victorian Natural History Museums

Stephanie Morley, Saint Mary's University
How Born and How Fed: Havelok the Dane and Narratives of Childhood

James Noble, University of New Brunswick, St. John
Weeping and Roaring as Generic Strategies in The Book of Margery Kempe

Cory James Rushton, St. Francis Xavier University
The Shameful Beauty Contest: Tristram and Isolde at Castle Pleure

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Memorial Self-Fashioning in Malory's Morte Darthur

Regan Eby, Boston College
Friends of Friends: Foundations of Priories and Aristocratic Sociability in Eleventh-Century Brittany

Michael Fournier, Dalhousie University
Eriugena's Liberal Arts

Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier University
Okay, Okay, we'll go to the doctor: On Seeing Doctors and Perfect Obedience in the Thought of Francis of Assisi

Conference Dinner: Pilot House, 70 Grafton Street, Charlottetown

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2013 — Acadia University at Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Sixth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association — 27-28 September, 2013

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Plenary Speaker: Fiona Tolhurst,
Harrison McCain Visiting Fellow, Acadia University
The Trouble with Margery: Underestimating and Overreading Margery Kempe

Michael Fournier, Dalhousie University
Pity as a Political Virtue in the Consolation of Philosophy

Rebecca Cuevas, Acadia University
How Saint Augustine's Confessions Uses Ancient Rhetorical Rules for Composition

Janine Rogers, Mount Allison University
The Manuscript and the Museum: Medievalism and Natural History

Adam Hutka, University of New Brunswick, Saint John
Visual Impressions and Tables of Brass: The Uses of Imagination in House of Fame

Ian Brunton, Acadia University
The Elevation of Galahad in the Morte D'arthur

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Paul Newman and the Holy Grail

Kristen Mills, St. Francis Xavier University
Gesture, Emotion, and Masculinity in Anglo-Saxon Texts

Marc Muschler, Acadia University
Might vs. Bright: Contrasting Heroic Archetypes in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings

Kathy Cawsey, Dalhousie University
Modern Word-Hoards: The Survival/Revival/Arrival of Old English Alliterative Verse Forms in Modern Poetry

Melissa Furrow, Dalhousie University
There's Something About Joan of Kent

Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier University
Disabilities, Authorities, and Feminities: The Case of Francis of Assisi

Conference Dinner: Blomidon Inn, Main Street, Wolfville

The Organizing Committee and Atlantic Mediæval Association thank the following for their support:
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Acadia University
Dean of Arts, Acadia University
Department of English & Theatre, Acadia University
Department of History and Classics, Acadia University
Janice Worthylake Perry

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2012 — Acadia University at Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Fifth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association — 14-15 September, 2012

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Plenary Speaker: Dr. Neil Cartlidge, Durham University
Yes and No?: Contraries in Medieval Culture

Melissa Furrow, Dalhousie University
Queen Philippa's Mottoes: Language, Context, and Meaning

Michael Fournier, Dalhousie University
The Order of the Sciences on Erec's Coronation Robes

Kathy Cawsey, Dalhousie University
The Performing Performance of Language: Performative Speech Acts and their Effect on Reality in Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess and The Parlement of Foules

John Geck, University of Toronto
'Þi bodi was so white ycore,/ Wiþ þine nailes is al totore': Lyric echoes in Sir Orfeo

Catherine Innes-Parker, University of Prince Edward Island
Fifteenth-Century Translation of Spiritual Texts: Dumbing Down or Devotional Democracy?

Stephanie Morley, Saint Mary's University
Fixing Spirituality: Patronage, Print and Prayer

Anna Smol, Mount St. Vincent University
Tolkien and Battle of Maldon Criticism

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Warfare, Heroic Poetry, and the Modern Reception of the alliterative Morte Arthure

Cory Rushton, St. Francis Xavier University
The Lawless West: Echoes of the Middle Ages in Roosevelt and L'Amour

Sébastien Rossignol, Dalhousie University
The Charter is the Message: Ducal Chanceries in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-century Silesia

Cynthia Neville, Dalhousie University
The King's Protection and the King's Peace under the MacMalcolm Kings of Scotland, in Scotland 1100-1286

Conference Dinner: Blomidon Inn, Main Street, Wolfville

The Organizing Committee and Atlantic Mediæval Association thank the following for their support:
Dean of Arts, Acadia University
Department of English & Theatre, Acadia University
Department of History and Classics, Acadia University
Durham University
Colleen Spadoni
Erin Patterson

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2011 — Dalhousie University at Halifax, Nova Scotia

Fourth Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association — 30 September to 1 October, 2011

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Plenary Speaker: Dr. Antonette diPaolo Healey,
Dictionary of Old English Project
"Hard" and "Heavy": of Burdens and Weights in Old English and Beyond

Jennifer MacDonald, Acadia University
Time, Distance and Justice: Travelling in medieval England, 800-1100

Kenneth Duggan, St. Andrew's University
What would a medieval king want with common consent? The first three taxes on moveables in Edward I's reign

Catherine Innes-Parker, University of Prince Edward Island
Finding the Forest in the Trees: Vernacular Versions of Bonaventure's Lignum Vitae

Cheryl Petreman, University of New Brunswick
Using Tales of Host Desecration to Instill the Faith

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Secular Memorialization in Thomas Malory's Healing of Sir Urry

Sébastien Rossignol, Dalhousie University
Civitate expugnata: Conflicts and Strongholds in the Early Medieval Frankish-Slavic Borderlands

Jacob Wakelin, University of Toronto
E pluribus unum: The Melting Pot of 13th-century Riga in Heinrici Chronicon Livoniae

Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier University
Reconciling the Two Solitudes: Sharing Knowledge in Medicine and Theology

A play performed by Housecat Theatre, King's College

Wine Reception and AMA Corn Roast courtesy of the Dalhousie University Department of English Speaking Series

The Organizing Committee and Atlantic Mediæval Association thank the following for their support:
The President, Dalhousie University
The President, University of King's College
The Dean, Dalhousie University Faculty of Arts and Science
Saint Mary's University Department of English
Mount Saint Vincent University Department of English
Dalhousie University Department of History
Dalhousie University Department of Classics
Dalhousie University Department of English
Dalhousie University Department of Theatre
Dalhousie University Department of Music, and
Housecat Theatre

2010 — Dalhousie University and the University of King's College at Halifax, Nova Scotia

Third Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association — 24th to 25th of September, 2010

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Plenary Speaker: Stephen Gersh, Univerity of Notre Dame
Hellenism in 15th Century Philosophy: Two Case-Studies (Nicholas of Cusa and Marsilio Ficino)

Benjamin Lee, Dalhousie University
Universal Creation, Self-Knowledge and Theophany: Eriugena on Man as imago Dei in Periphyseon IV

Alexander Treiger, Dalhousie University
Ghazali's Christology and its possible Syriac Sources

Wayne Hankey, Dalhousie University
Aquinas: Aristolelian? Platonist? Or Neoplatonic Concordist?

Michael Fournier, Dalhousie University
Planudes Reading Boethius Reading Euripedes

Marica Cassis, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Invisible Byzantium: An Archaeological Approach to the Secular and Rural Remains of an Empire

Thomas Curran, The University of King's College
Canto xxvi in Dante's Purgatorio

Victoria Goddard, University of Toronto and the University of King's College
Literary Images and Uses of Time in the Consolation of Philosophy of Boethius

Jennifer Bain, Dalhousie University
Ludwig Schneider's Ripple Effect: how an obscure 19th-century priest set the Hildegard industry into motion

Nicole Beare, Dalhousie University
"Bi Ensaumple of Him": The Testimony of William Thorpe and its Indebtedness to Hagiography

Sheila Christie, University of Cape Breton
The Voice of Authority: Code-Switching and Jurisdictional Signals in the Chester Cycle

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Rubrication in the Manuscript of Le Morte Darthur and Its Sources

Peter Chiykowski, Dalhousie University
You Don't Vote for Kings': Recognizing Satire in Voeux du heron

Jennifer MacDonald, Acadia University
Royal Power and an Itinerant Court in Late Saxon Wessex

Darren Dyck, Dalhousie University
Romance and Allegory: Conflicting Interpretive Visions in The House of Fame

Joanna Luft, University of Windsor
The Name Daisy: The Great Gatsby and Chaucer's Prologue to The Legend of Good Women

The Organizing Committee and Atlantic Mediæval Association thank the following for their support:
The Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The University of King's College
Dalhousie University Department of Classics
Dalhousie University Department of English

2009 — St. Francis Xavier University at Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Second Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association — 28th to 29th of August, 2009

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Plenary Speaker: Elizabeth Edwards, University of King's College
The Cheerful Science: Nicholas Oresme and Home Economics

Peter Chiykowski and Melissa Furrow, Dalhousie University
King Edward and the Poet

Cory James Rushton, St. Francis Xavier University
The Generous Dead: Sir Amadace and Economic Revenants

Robert Kennedy, St. Francis Xavier University

Michael Fournier, Dalhousie University
An Unnoticed Ring Composition in the Proslogion

Derrick Higginbotham, Columbia University
A Consuming Passion: Material Things and Masculinity in Mankind

Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier University
Illness and Authority: The Case of St. Francis of Assisi

2008 — St. Francis Xavier University at Antigonish, Nova Scotia

First Annual Conference of the Atlantic Mediæval Association — 2nd to 3rd October, 2008

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Plenary Speaker: Thomas Heffernan, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
The Tradition of the Theology of Martyrdom in the Passion of Perpetua and Felicity

Marc Cels, Athabasca University
Prius reconciliari fratri tuo: Thomas of Chobham and Fraternal Hatred

Donna Trembinski, St. Francis Xavier University
Pain: The Forgotten Passion

Kevin Whetter, Acadia University
Good and Bad Passions in Arthurian Romance

Kathleen Cawsey, Dalhousie University
Impossible Conditions and Impossible Tasks: Legal Language and Romance Discourse in the Franklin's Tale

Cory James Rushton, St. Francis Xavier University
The Awful Passion of Pandarus

Francesco Ciabattoni, Dalhousie University
A Young Dante's Passion

Jannette Vusich, Johns Hopkins University
From Passion to Rapture in Fra Bartolommeo's The Vision of St. Bernard

The Organizing Committee and Atlantic Mediæval Association thank the following for their support:
St. Francis Xavier University Department of History
St. Francis Xavier University Department of English
St. Francis Xavier University Department of Catholic Studies
The Dean of Arts, St. Francis Xavier University

Manuscript image: Salzinnes Antiphonal, St. Mary's University, Halifax  
